Learn About Different types of motors and their use

You must have observed that while purchasing a motor base, it’s often asked which technology is better, AC or DC, but the fact behind it is that it is application and cost dependent.

AC Motors

In many features including speed control, AC motors are highly flexible, and compared to DC motors they have a much larger installed base.

A few of its key benefits are:

  • The torque limit needs to be adjustable
  • Controlled acceleration
  • Operational speed should be adjustable
  • Controlled starting current
  • At the start, it demands low power
  • Reduction in power line disturbances

There are two types of AC motor:


The rotation of the rotor is synchronized with the frequency of the supply current in this particular type of motor and under varying loads, the speed remains constant. Hence at a constant speed, it is ideal for driving equipment, and in high precision positioning devices like robots, instrumentation, machines, and process control they are used by many motor base suppliers.

Induction (Asynchronous)

Electromagnetic induction from the magnetic field of the stator winding produces an electric current in the rotor and hence Torque is used by this type of motor. These are the most common type of AC motors and are essential for the industry due to their load capacity along with Single-Phase induction motors that are being used. You will find that Three-Phase induction motors are used more in industrial applications including pumps, conveyor systems, compressors, and lifting gear.

DC Motors

The first type of motors widely used are the DC motors and compared to AC systems the system's initial costs tend to be typically less than for low-power units. But with a higher power, the cost of overall maintenance increases and it needs to be taken into consideration. By varying the supply voltage the DC Motors' speed can be controlled.

Its Advantages are-

  • Linear speed-torque curve
  • Speed control over a wide range
  • Quick Starting, Stopping, Reversing, and Acceleration
  • High Starting Torque
  • Easy installation

There is wide use of DC motors by motor base manufacturer and you can find them in small tools and appliances, through to electric vehicles, lifts & hoists.

Original source: https://gearsprocket.seesaa.net/


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